The Show Season is Approaching!

The time of year is approaching where the Show Horses & Ponies come in from their holidays, the mass clipping commences, feeds are altered to ensure that condition is tip top, bathing, grooming and rugging ....the list goes on!!
Before we know it the midges shall be out in force so it is important to have protection against the elements in the forefront of your mind.
For any new followers who missed out on our Snuggy Sooty Showing series 2016. Sooty is a chronic sweet itch sufferer and it is paramount that his condition is managed with the correct protection & great care. Sooty reached #HOYS2016 and you would not believe that he suffers from such a horrid condition. If you feel like you are stuck in a Sweet Itch Rut then please do not hesitate to contact our helpline on 01225 783399, we are here to help and provide knowledge and advice on the best Sweet Itch protection for your horse or pony.....they can look as amazing as Sooty too!