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Success at HOYS2017 for Snuggy Hoods
We are now all back and unpacked from a fabulous HOYS 2017, thank you ever so much to all of our customers old and new for visiting us.
We had some superb results throughout the week from the Snuggy Hoods team, family, friends and sponsors.
A HUGE WELL DONE to Snuggy Hoods Managing Director Becky Godfrey-faussett and daughter Janey who rode the gorgeous Snuggy Sooty into 7th place in the Show Pony First Ridden, Cerys Holley took 5th with team Holders high tops dancing bee. Janey then went onto top her 7th place with a 3rd the gorgeous Lolli in the SHP 122cm Open.
Amelia Evans and Woodroyd Toy Boy looked gorgeous in the Show Pony Lead Rein however were sadly not placed, it is such an achievement in itself getting to to this fabulous show and they enjoyed every minute. Woodroyd Toy Boy has been beautifully produced this season by Team Holder and this was his first time at HOYS.
A WIN for Snuggy Hoods sponsored rider Lynn Russell in the Maxi Cob with Snuggy Hoods model Jovian, what a combination!
A WIN for Snuggy Hoods sponsored rider Lucy Eddis in the 153cm Plaited Working Hunter Pony of the Year and a 2nd in the M&M Working Hunter Pony of the Year on Cashel Bay JJ. Susie Eddis and Percy were absolutely incredible at their first HOYS together jumping clear to finish second on the same marks as the winner.
A WIN for Jo Bates and Elusive who regained their 2016 title in the Large Hacks and was reserve champion, Grandeur was 3rd in the racehorse to riding horse and Quintons Ernest was 8th in the lightweight cobs!!
Snuggy Hoods Rachel Perfect's horses each had foot perfect rounds with Meg Thompson, So Sweet was 10th in the Coloured Non Native Horse of the Year and Inkwell Little Mark was not in the placings in the Coloured Non Native Pony of The Year, yet looked and rode beautifully.
Snuggy Hoods sponsored the West Hants Games Team with some onesies and saddle pads which were extremely handy!! They went onto WIN the stable cup and come 2nd in the Games.
We are so proud of you all....ROLL ON HOYS 2018 we say!!