Catch up with Snuggy Sooty & Janeys Latest Acheivements.

Sooty and Janey have been very busy since their last video. As well as practicing at home, Sooty has also been having fun at the gallops with Team Holder. His summer coat is now almost through and he is being prepared for his next outing at the Royal Windsor Horse Show on the 14th of May. The best news however is their win at the South of England Spring Show where they won and qualified for the Longines Royal International Horse Show. They also took the mini championship. As the weather has been a little warmer, Team Holder are being very vigilant with his coat ensuring he is covered up all the time. Just one bite could lead to him being very uncomfortable indeed. We look forward to updating you of their successes as the season progresses.
Click here to watch Snuggy Sooty's Story * Part 1 *
Click here to watch Snuggy Sooty's Story * Part 2 * Click here to watch Sooty's latest update ** New Part 3 **